Ahmad B. Adlouni

MSc study: Dairy Science and Technology Engineering
University: University of Copenhagen (KU)
Company: Chr. Hansen A/S
Project title: Monitoring strategy for HMO fermentation processes
Project description:
Monitoring of five different HMOs on different spectroscopical machines will be carried out to test the best spectroscopical monitoring method during fermentation.
Some of the sugars have the same alignment and has proven to be difficult. HMOs are important sugars which can be added to milk powder as it supports the infants’ immune system, digestive system, and brain development.
What was your motivation for becoming a Helix Lab Fellow?
As I have been an exchange student in France beforehand, being in an international community and being in a new city is something which attracts me. Moreover, the many thesis made in co-operation with Helix Lab are of interesting character.
What is the most exciting part of being a Helix Lab Fellow?
Being in an international community
What perspectives do you see for your future after being a Helix Lab Fellow?
Being in an international community and having an international background from many places is important when applying for a job; as most jobs nowadays have people of different background and cultures working in the same workplace and need to be understood.