Welcome to Helix Lab

At Helix Lab Research and Education Center in Kalundborg, Danish and International MSc students carry out their thesis work in collaboration with the Kalundborg industry as Helix Lab Fellows. Helix Lab provides leverage for developing Kalundborg bioindustry into an international cluster for industry 4.0 bioproduction and industrial sustainability.
News and Events
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl (DTU) and the Helix Lab audience

Tech Talk on CO2 capture in Kalundborg

At the autumn's first Tech Talk, the audience got expert views on climate and the green technology that will soon be rolled out in Kalundborg.
Perspective Changer, Per Ahlmann

Throwback: Fall semester is off to a flying start

New friendships, parties and unveiling of new art on campus are but a few of the impressions and events the new Helix Lab Fellows have met in their first few weeks of their time in Kalundborg. Ahead lies a semester of Tech Talks and settling into life in West Zealand.
Alumni networking

Helix Lab Fellowships: A way to foster local integration and international collaboration

Data shows that the Helix Lab Fellowships effectively integrates graduates into Kalundborg Community


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