Chemical Processes


The industry in Kalundborg is dominated by big pharma- and biomanufacturing companies. These are based on an initial fermentation processes which requires a very specific chemical environment with a complex mixture of organic and inorganic components, including vitamins, trace metals etc.

In the downstream processes chemical processes are widely used. These include steps that chemically or enzymatically modify native bio-molecules and include purifying steps that require a broad range of aqueous and organic solvents and chemicals.

Cleaning of pharmaceutical- and biomanufacturing equipment is based on “cleaning in place” (CIP), typically using alkaline and acid.

Kalundborg industries also cover processes like large scale second generation bio-ethanol production and industrial scale ethanol distillation processes.

However, Kalundborg is much more than pharma and bioproduction. More traditional chemical industry processes like crude oil fractionation and oil refining processing are found in Kalundborg and open for master thesis projects.


Not so well-known to the public are many other industrial activities including the production of plasterboards (building materials), food ingredients for animals, or the production of chemicals for waste water treatment.

Feel free to contact Helix Lab if you are interested in an industrial master thesis project within chemistry or chemical processes.


Companies working with Chemical Processing

Novo NordiskNovonesis, Kalundborg Refinery, MelioraBio, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Unibio


Supervisor Network Group

In the Helix Lab Supervisor Network a group of supervisors from industry and universities within this area meet at a regular basis in the Focus Group Chemical Processes. If you are supervising a project in Helix Lab and interested in joining the Focus Group please contact Nanna Blume.


Ida in the lab


Helix Lab Fellow Projects within Chemical Processing

"Characterization of the crystallization step in the API recovery process" Katrine Esmann Pedersen, SDU & Novo Nordisk A/S


"A plant-wide analysis of an industrial flocculation process in biomanufacturing" Alonso Malacara Becerra, DTU (& Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico) & Novozymes A/S


"Optimizing Cleaning in Place Processes for API Production" Christina Papamichail, KU & Novo Nordisk A/S

Gallery Walk Poster - Christina.pdf


"Feasibility and viability of regeneration and re-use of CIP chemicals" Yujing Zhao, DTU & NNE A/S


"Experimental exploration of an industrial pharmaceutical crystallization proces facility 1" Fernanda Boss-Ramos, SDU & Novo Nordisk A/S


"Experimental exploration of an industrial pharmaceutical crystallization proces Facility 2" Ida Krogh Hjortdal, SDU & Novo Nordisk A/S