
A look at Novo Nordisk site in Kalundborg

It all began back in the early 1970s when Novo Industri established the first production facility in Kalundborg. During the following 50 years the fermentation based industry in Kalundborg has expanded dramatically, and new companies have been established or moved to Kalundborg.

In the first decades enzymes were produced using natural organisms, and the technology of large scale fermentation was established. Since the mid 1980´s most of the production has been based on the use of gene-modified organisms (GMO), which also gave the opportunity to produce human insulin and other hormones by the use of microorganisms. This fundamentally changed the peptide/protein pharma industry.

Today fermentation with natural or genetically engineered bacteria and yeast is fundamental to a broad range of industrial activities in Kalundborg ranging from the large industrial-scale production of enzymes and pharmaceuticals, protein feed and food ingredients to the small-scale wine production on the Røsnæs Peninsula.

In Helix Lab fellows can run a complete fermentation process in exactly the same way as in the industry, in either small pilot scale (30 L) or lab scale (1-3L).

For those who want to go even further, it is possible to explore the possibilities of growing micro algae using Helix Lab´s advanced photo-bioreactors. This could e.g. be used to investigate the possibilities of turning nutrient-rich waste streams in the industry into valuable omega-3 rich algae powder


Companies working with Fermentation

Novo NordiskNovonesis, MelioraBio, Unibio


Supervisor Network Group

In the Helix Lab Supervisor Network a group of supervisors from industry and universities within this area meet at a regular basis in the Focus Group Fermentation. If you are supervising a project in Helix Lab and interested in joining the Focus Group please contact Nanna Blume.

Fermentation in the lab


Helix Lab Fellow Projects within Fermentation

 "Investigation of sustainable sludge reuse from API fermentation" Milad Javadi, DTU & Novo Nordisk A/S


"Open SCADA and DCS Edge/Cloud" Karl- Kristian Kaether, DTU & Novozymes A/S


"Real-time IoT Fermentation Sensors" Emil Madsen, DTU & Novozymes A/S


"Use of oCelloScope and other sensors to develop new parameters for advanced process control" Mikkel Røhling Bisp, DTU & Novozymes A/S


"Monitoring strategy for HMO fermentation processes" Ahmad B. Adlouni, KU & Chr. Hansen


"Valorization of microbial protein fermentation through proteomics, bioinformatics, and integrated, data-driven membrane process design for isolation of bioactive proteins/enzymes" Søren Storck Hansen, AAU & Unibio


"Sustainable production of microalgae using side streams from enzyme production" Maria Monserrat Díaz Hernández, DTU (& Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico) & Novozymes A/S