Mikkel Røhling Bisp

MSc study: Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
University: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Company: Novozymes A/S
Project title: Use of oCelloScope and other sensors to develop new parameters for advanced process control
Project description:
A wide range of industrial enzymes and microorganisms are produced by fermentation technology. Besides the physical conditions as temperature, pH, stirring etc., many different factors contribute to the outcome of a fermentation. Some factors are related directly to the fermentation media such as level of nutrients and carbon source; others are related to the biological process, e.g., accumulation of metabolic components and product formation. The complex parameters are not only interesting for growth, but also product formation, productivity and yield are important for a large scale and cost effective fermentation process. From a production point of view, a fast way to determine enzyme activity will be beneficial for an almost on-line monitoring of productivity, and on top of this, generating leading information for the downstream processing.
What was your motivation for becoming a Helix Lab Fellow?
I wanted to do my thesis in collaboration with an industrial partner. Therefore, I was looking around for possibilities to do that. In the process I discovered Helix Lab and I liked the package of getting help with reaching into the industry and accommodation in Kalundborg. Especially, the granted accommodation together with the rest of the Helix Fellows was a big motivation for me as I then could take part in a social community of people being in the same situation as me.
What is the most exciting part of being a Helix Lab Fellow?
As my project is primarily performed at Novozymes the most exciting part so far is the social meetings and activities where we get exposed to the different companies located in Kalundborg. Also, I like to take part in the quiz team at the local beer bar “SKØL”.
What perspectives do you see for your future after being a Helix Lab Fellow?
I could definitely see myself work in the industry of Kalundborg at some point in my career. The industries and jobs are really interesting for people with my background and professional interests. Also, the area is nice with nature and water located close.