Helix Lab gives MSc students the possibility to do master thesis work in collaboration with the Kalundborg industry. Students who are awarded a Helix Lab Fellowship get free housing at Kalundborg Kollegium, while they do their thesis work in Kalundborg, and become part of the Helix Lab Fellows community, participate in the Fellows program with social and academic activities.

As a Helix Lab Fellow you will
Do your MSc thesis project in collaboration with industry in Kalundborg, focusing on industry 4.0 technologies and sustainable production
Participate in the Fellows Program including site visits to local biotech and process industries, guest lectures on sustainability and industrial symbiosis, social activities and much more.
Receive free housing at the Kalundborg collegium, in one of the rooms reserved for Helix Lab Fellows, during project work – sharing common room and kitchen with other Helix Lab Fellows. Housing at the collegium is mandatory for all Fellows.
We expect that you participate in the Fellows Program and other Helix Lab activities, and show general interest in each other´s life and projects.
As a Helix Lab University Supervisor you will
Develop close collaboration with the industry supervisors
Become members of the Helix Lab Supervisor Network
Get access to state of the art labs and become part of the growing reseach and education community in Kalundborg
Be compensated for you participation in meetings and events at Helix Lab

As a Helix Lab Industry Supervisor you will
Develop close collaboration with the University supervisors
Become members of the Helix Lab Supervisor Network
Get access to state of the art labs and become part of the growing reseach and education community in Kalundborg