Call for Applications
The next deadline for applications for Helix Lab Fellowships - collaborative MSc thesis projects between Kalundborg industry and universities - is September 25, 2024 regarding Spring semester 2025. Helix Lab Fellowships are evaluated and granted by the Helix Lab Board of Directors shortly thereafter.
Application for a Helix Lab Fellowship requires establishment of a project collaboration between an industry specialist, a university supervisor and a MSc student.
More information, application criteria and application template, see below.
Helix Lab Fellowship projects must focus on real world problems from industry, preferably industry 4.0 and/or sustainable production. Projects can range from artificial intelligence (AI), sensor technology, automation, fermentation and downstream processes to all aspects of sustainable solutions and general optimizations.
The Fellowships includes free housing at the Kalundborg Collegium. It is mandatory for the Helix Lab Fellows to move to Kalundborg in the project period while conducting their thesis work.
The Helix Lab Board of Directors award Fellowships twice a year based on the following criteria:
• Character and strength of the industry-university collaboration
• Real world, industrial, and academic relevance
• Focus on Industry 4.0 and/or sustainability
• Student´s motivation and proven skills
• Diversity among applicants - in all aspects, e.g. different universities and companies, different supervisors, different student gender, nationality etc.
Who can apply
A collaborative MSc thesis project group consisting of:
Danish or International MSc student enrolled at a Danish university
Supervisor from a Danish university
Co-supervisor from the Kalundborg industry
How to apply
The team behind the collaborative MSc project (university supervisor, industry supervisor and MSc student) submits an application to Helix Lab by using the application form below.