An eventful year

At Helix Lab we can look back on an eventful year 2022. In January the first group of 11 Helix Lab Fellows started their thesis work at Helix Lab in collaboration with Kalundborg industry. In June we celebrated their work at the Gallery Walk with our partners and stakeholders. After graduation seven of the Helix Lab Fellows – Class of Spring 2022 got jobs in the Kalundborg Industry, and five of them have located to Kalundborg.
The next group of Fellows arrived for the start of the Fall semester 2022 and were in full swing right from the beginning. Get an insight into the many activities we have enjoyed with the Helix Lab Fellows – Class of Fall 2022 in the photos below.
Now we are looking forward to greeting the third group of motivated Fellows arriving in January 2023. With some of the current Fellows continuing their thesis throughout two semesters, we will have filled up the capacity at the Helix Lab collegium rooms at Kalundborg Kollegiet. We look very much forward to welcoming them all to Kalundborg and the Biotech City.