Exciting visit at Helix Lab: Minister for Higher Education and Science
During her visit, the Minister asked engaged questions about the importance of education and international talents for the industry. She also had a change to meet and talk with current students and alumni.
Helix Lab Fellow Alum, María Alejandra Piza Bermudez , spoke of her journey from arriving in Kalundborg as a Helix Lab Fellow to now living in Kalundborg with her partner and thriving as an industry professional at Novo Nordisk. Her story is a testament to the impactful real-world experience and the local anchoring that Fellows gain at Helix Lab.

Furthermore, international students and current Helix Lab Fellows Ingrid, from Aarhus University, and Georgios, from Technical University of Denmark, shared their motivation for choosing Denmark and Kalundborg for their MSc studies, as well as their aspirations to contribute to the local bioindustry after graduation. The two current Fellows emfisized how important the social activities were and how the helped them get Danish friends. Something they did not fund as easy at their universities.
Michael Hallgren spoke about the efforts required to retain the workforce and support development in Kalundborg. The minister showed a keen interest in the collaborative efforts to attract and retain students, and once again, partnership was part of the solution. The minister left Kalundborg with enthusiasm. She also emphasized that the rest of Denmark could learn a lot from Kalundborg in terms of collaboration.
The visit from the Minister for Higher Education and Research underscores the importance of close collaboration between education and industries, and showed how the Helix Lab initiative is a prime example of this – for the inspiration of other regions in Denmark and abroad.
Read more about the Minister's visit at these Danish articles: