Grzegorz Zaba

Helix Lab Fellow, Class of Spring 2023


MSc study

Mathematical Modelling and Computation


Technical University of Denmark (DTU)


Novozymes A/S

Project title

AI & Modelling bioprocess in a multi-product plant

Helix Lab Gallery walk - Grzegorz Zaba.pdf

What was your motivation for becoming a Helix Lab Fellow?

Helix Lab fellowship was a perfect opportunity to make meaningful master’s thesis project in collaboration with local company, that will find application in real industry. Nevertheless, the possibility of networking within biotechnological community, access to industrial sites and living together with other students involved in this endeavour were also crucial factors encouraging me to go for Helix Lab fellowship.

What is the most exciting part of being a Helix Lab Fellow?

Living in fellow students community, every Thursday activities and the possibility of exploiting Helix Lab space for my project development. Furthermore, the contact with employees of company I am collaborating with during my project is also huge value added.

What perspectives do you see for your future after being a Helix Lab Fellow?

I hope that versatile experience gathered during my fellowship will assure a smooth start of my professional career in biotechnological sector and make whole world wide open for me as potential employee.