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Helix Lab won the Educational Award

Yesterday the team behind Helix Lab had the pleasure of attending Kalundborg Business Council's Yearly Award Show where we were nominated for the Education Award. We were up against the great contesters Allikelund Gymnasium and Multi-Tech A/S.

It was a joy to see some of our collaborative partners win as well. SKØL won Entrepreneur of the year. Unibio won Sustainablility Award of the year. Intertek won Company of the year. Kalundborg Museum won radio mast of the year which is awarded to a company that has successfully put spot on Kalundborg on a national level.

Thank you to the Biotekbyen - the Biotech City for the award. And thank you to Kalundborg Business Council for hosting a great event with help from Christina Østergaard Event and Professionshøjskolen Absalon.

Lastly, thank you to all the many companies in Kalundborg that have created a great community for collaboration and the brave students taking a chance and moving to Kalundborg. With out you no Helix Lab.

The team