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Press Release: Successful matchmaking event at Helix Lab in Kalundborg

Researchers from the Danish universities and specialists and leaders from the industry in Kalundborg met this week for a Matchmaking Event at Helix Lab. The main purpose was to network and strengthen synergy, and to identify collaborative project idea for coming Helix Lab Fellows, says Anette Birck, Director of Helix Lab.

Thursday, January 20, Helix Lab  gathered researchers and supervisors from universities with specialists and leaders from the Kalundborg industry to exchange ideas that MSc students can make thesis projects about under the auspices of Helix Lab:


“Helix Lab creates an attractive collaborative environment for Msc students, researchers and supervisors from universities as well as experts from the Kalundborg industry. The matchmaking event creates synergy and collaboration between the universities and the labor market that awaits the students afterwards”, says Anette Birck, Director of Helix Lab.

The Stairs

Great interest


30 researchers from the universities (DTU, KU, RUC, ITU, SDU, AAU and AU) and a similar number from the Kalundborg industry participated in the event. The topics for  the event ranged from virtual and augmented reality to sustainable recycling and cleaning of residual products.


“The purpose was to discuss future collaborative projectideas that MSc students, the so-called Helix Lab Fellows, can do thesis projects about. It was great to note that there was a big interest from all participants to discuss and qualify the upcoming projects", says Anette Birck.


Future collaborative projects were also the focus of the session hosted by Novo Nordisk:


“At the event, Novo Nordisk's group of supervisors presented eight exploratory project ideas. In collaboration with the students and their university supervisors, each idea must now be further developed into a thesis statement and an application for a Helix Lab Fellowship. We look forward to working with another team of innovative students where we expect all participating parties to gain new insights from the projects. The results of the research that the students carry out during the project can contribute to the development of new and sustainable production processes and technologies ", says Michael Hallgren, Senior Vice President, Novo Nordisk Manufacturing Kalundborg.


Annemarie Olsen, Deputy Head of Department of Education, University of Copenhagen:

“I came home with new ideas for both collaboration regarding students but also research. This is the first time I see a setup where companies pitcher issues and needs and universities pitch competencies and interests, and it worked very well. This made it very easy to spot the potential for collaboration. A very inspiring day where the perspectives for Helix Lab, also as bridge-builder, became clear”.


The first Helix Lab Fellows are ready


The first 11 Helix Lab Fellows, who are carrying out their project in collaboration with the Kalundborg industry this spring, will arrive during January. At the Matckmaking Event, it was project ideas and collaborations regarding the Helix Lab Fellows in the coming fall that were discussed and developed.


Interested collaboration partners from universities and  industry can  apply to Helix Lab for a  Helix Lab Fellowship, which gives MSc student students and their supervisors access to the specialized laboratories in Helix Lab and free housing at Kalundborg Collegium for the students, while they carry out their thesis project in Kalundborg.


The Helix Lab Fellowships starting up in the fall will be selected by the Helix Lab Board of Directors in April. Judging by yesterday's well-attended event, the Helix Lab Board can look forward to several very exciting applications.