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Tech Talk on CO2 capture in Kalundborg

At the autumn's first Tech Talk, the audience got expert views on climate and the green technology that will soon be rolled out in Kalundborg.
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl

Helix Lab opened its doors for a Tech Talk, where the audience got an insight into the latest developments in CO2 capture. The afternoon's presenters, Philip Loldrup Fosbøl, associate professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Kathrine Høeg Johansen, project manager at Ørsted, shared their expert knowledge on how new technologies in the field can play a decisive role in the fight against climate change.

Philip Loldrup Fosbøl opened the event by presenting the latest research in CO2 capture and explained how the technologies can be implemented to reduce the industrial sector's emissions of greenhouse gases. 

The technology will soon be found at Asnæsværket in Kalundborg, which from 2026 will form the framework for the Ørsted Kalundborg CC Hub. In 2023, Ørsted received a 20-year contract from the Danish Energy Agency, and henceforth the plant will suck 280,000 tonnes of CO2 out of the atmosphere each year. The plant thus plays an important role in Denmark's fight to reduce CO2 emissions.

Kathrine Høeg Johansen elaborated on that role and explained, among other things, why Kalundborg is a good place to capture CO2.

"Kalundborg will be an important hub for the future Danish climate infrastructure. The area is a good location because there is a good combination of industry and industrial players who support the project. Port infrastructure is also important, because when the CO2 is collected, it is shipped to Norway, where it is stored underground, and therefore it is important that there is an industrial port nearby, and we have that here," she said.

Kathrine Høeg Johansen
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl (DTU) and the Helix Lab audience

Technology brings people together

The experts' presentations on CO2 capture attracted a wide audience that included both students, local citizens and industry professionals, and that is precisely the intention of the Helix Labs Tech Talks. 

"We have an ambition to be a place where everyone can meet around science, so it was great to see so many different people. Our goal with Tech Talks is to bring the latest knowledge about technology to Kalundborg and create a platform where that knowledge is shared across professions, companies and the local population. We want to make it possible for everyone to become part of the dialogue about the technology of the future," says Helix Lab's director, Anette Birck.