Ida Krogh Hjortdal

MSc study
Chemical and biochemical engineering
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Novo Nordisk A/S
Project title
Experimental exploration of an industrial pharmaceutical crystallization process Facility 2
Helix Lab Fellow Poster for Gallery Walk - Ida Krogh Hjortdal.pdf
What was your motivation for becoming a Helix Lab Fellow?
This fellowship was the perfect opportunity for me to have some contact with a company, work with crystallization – which had caught my interest in a previous semester – and apply my knowledge on a real production facility.
What is the most exciting part of being a Helix Lab Fellow?
I find it very valuable to have an international community at the dorm with people who are all in a similar position – doing a master thesis in collaboration with a company.
Also, I have gained some experience on how a big company is functioning, which is completely new to me.
What perspectives do you see for your future after being a Helix Lab Fellow?
I think this Fellowship gives me some opportunities which I would not have if I had stayed at my university. My hope is, that this will be a steppingstone towards getting my first job.